Qt TAR Documentation

Table Of Contents

  1. Compile Qt TAR
  2. Qt TAR classes
  3. Qt TAR examples
  4. Other notes about Qt TAR

GNU Tar Archiver

GNU Tar was first published in 1985, after years of developments, current version is 1.28.  GNU Tar is an archiver rather than a compression method.  However, due to combining compression tools together frequently, it was normally recognized as a compression tool, which is a misconception.

Currently, there are several GNU Tar headers, as followings:

Using Qt TAR

There are two ways of using Qt TAR, compile into Qt module or include the source code into your own Qt project.

To compile into Qt module, please refer to <Compile Qt TAR>.

To include the source code into your own project, adopt the following steps:
  1. Download <Qt TAR>(QtTAR-2015-11-04.7z), and decompress the downloaded file.
  2. cd QtTAR/Src/Embedded
  3. copy QtTAR/Src/Embedded/LZO into your own Qt developing project.
  4. Include TAR/TAR.pri into your Qt PRO file.

Neutrino International Inc. 2001~2015